Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Found this item earlier this year.. Gold.. Historic.. Was about 10 inches down in an area I often hunt.. Used to be a popular picnic/swimming spot a hundred years ago before the houses were built in the area.. and before the city polluted the swimming location..

Friday, July 29, 2011


I have been out of action for a while.. I am currently loading up all my older youtube videos. I am almost up to date, and will start posting new videos soon.
I have found some neat finds this year, and will post some photos soon.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I have been busy making youtube videos..


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Youtube Videos

Just spent an hour metal detecting in the forest with my two oldest children.. I took the video camera with me in hopes to create a YouTube video.. Will try and post it tonight..
On a bright side, I took a closer look at the bracelet that I had found a while back, and it says "9 CT" on it.. I thought that it was just some junk brass bracelet, but it is 9 carrot gold.. its a bit dirty and will need a good washing.. what is good for washing gold?

Monday, August 24, 2009


It has been a while since my last update..
My wife and I now have a new baby girl.. She is only 3 weeks old, and we are all very tired..
I am, however, trying to find time to get out and shoot some videos of my metal detecting.. I want to post them on YouTube.
I am also making an inventory of all my coins.. so far the oldest coin that I have found in New Zealand is a Victoria Silver Threepence "Jubilee Head" dating 188?. The last number is too faded to read..
It is always good to look over each find carefully.. While doing tonight's inventory I noticed an inscription on a bronze bracelet that I found near the silver threepence coin.. I thought the bracelet was nothing special, but the inscription will require further research..
Anyhow, I plan on getting some YouTube videos up and running within the next week or two..

Friday, June 5, 2009

30 Minutes in the Back Yard

It has been a long time since I have gone metal detecting, therefore, I have been going a bit stir crazy..
I used to go metal detecting in the evenings after the kids were in bed, but now that we are in winter, it is too dark.. I can't wait for Summer to come back, then I can go metal detecting till 10pm and still have light..
Anyhow, I decided to get the metal detecting urge off my shoulders so I went in the back yard for a quick run.. I was amazed to find so many neat things.. lot of coins.. I kept hitting targets, but with bad weather on its way, have not dug them up yet.. Will hit the yard again soon.. I did some research on the name printed on the pendant...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sorry Cindy

I found a 14k gold bracelet weighing 25.5 grams and sold it to a refinery last week for 307 dollars. I have always kept the stuff I find, and have always told my self that I would never sell anything.. but with the price of gold being so high.. i could not hold back..
The bracelet had "Cindy" written on it and inscribed inside was "Love Oma and Opa June 199?". I put the question mark in the date because my memory has escaped me.. I should have taken a picture.. I think it was 1994.
I have been watching a lot of really neat metal detecting and bottle hunting videos on youtube.
"thirdphaseofmoon" has a really good assortment of videos in which they have made.. here is one example:
They are the same guys who made the night marcher movies..
Once the weather clears up here, I will be creating some metal detecting videos of my own.. The problem is, however, that winter just started for us and I am not sure when it will be nice enough for a good metal detecting day.. maybe next week??